Having demonstrated fully one our other websites that what is represented as "fulfilled New Testament prophecies" is in reality anything but that now I wish to explain why the true Jewish Messianic Prophecies were not fulfilled during the life of Jesus. As one reads the other site and its materials and studies them out for themselves to see the truth of the matter, then one will without questions ask himself why such a deception was purpurtrated upon unsucpecting believers. The answers you seek are found in these series of articles. When one finishes this study he will first of all see that the failure of the fulfillments of these Old Testament prophecies lie not with Jesus but with a first century Israel whom had failed to rise to its Spiritual Calling to be a Holy Nation and a Royal Priesthood. The information in the following articles explains to much to those who might look at Jesus as a failed Messiah. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is something both the Christians and our Jewish brothes and friends need to understand in their reclaiming Jesus as one of their own. Shalom.

{short description of image}bennoah1@airmail.net